The Medicine Box: ICMR invites expression of interest to develop dengue vaccine

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has invited an expression of interest (EoI) from companies who are looking to collaborate to conduct phase-III clinical trials of vaccine candidates developed to prevent mosquito born viral disease dengue.

ICMR has said that the applications must be submitted by March 11.

Dengue was recognised as one of the top 10 global health threats in 2019. However as of now there is no specific treatment for the disease.

There are vaccines approved in some part of the world but not in India.

According to ICMR, the companies ought to have completed phase-I and phase-II trials successfully. ICMR will provide infrastructure to undertake further R&D activities.

The collaboration will be on a royalty basis of around 5 percent or above for conducting the phase-III trials.

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