Evidence found of ‘flowing liquid water’ on Mars: NASA

Scientists have discovered the strongest evidence yet that “flowing liquid water” exists on Mars, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said Monday morning.

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter identified evidence of “hydrated minerals” called perchlorates that have formed streaks on slopes on Mars’ surface, the agency said.

Some perchlorates are able to keep water from freezing even at temperatures as cold as -94 degrees Fahrenheit. The perchlorates on Mars are forming the streaks, called recurring slope lineae (RSL), on the Martian slopes during the planet’s warm season, when temperatures climb above -10 degrees Fahrenheit. The streaks then disappear during the cold season.

“Something is hydrating these salts, and it appears to be these streaks that come and go with the seasons,” Lujendra Ojha, one of the researchers on the project, said in a statement. “This means the water on Mars is briny, rather than pure. It makes sense, because salts lower the freezing point of water. Even if RSL are slightly underground, where it’s even colder than the surface temperature, the salts would keep the water in a liquid form and allow it to creep down Martian slopes.”

The team is publishing its findings in the journal Nature Geoscience.

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