Don’t want army to be dragged into politics, says Bipin Rawat

‘I don’t want my views to be politicised and I don’t want the army to be dragged in to political debates’ – that is the word coming in from Chief of Army Staff, Bipin Rawat.

In an exclusive conversation with CNN-News18’s Shreya Dhoundhiyal, he said, “People say that the statements made by Army Chief have political connotations, so I said that don’t drag the army into political thing. It happened with this statement which was made regarding migration of people in North East,” he said. “I am just trying to say not to allow the nation to be polarised on various organisatonal or various cultural or other issues,” he added.

When asked if he ever thought of politics as a post retirement plan, he said he would be a misfit in politics. “I don’t think I will fit into politics,” he said.
At times whatever comes to my mind, I speak from my heart and I speak it out but some time it may not suit very well in politics, said Rawat